I once read a quote that says “Health is not the result of chance, but of obedience to law.” Many of us can all agree that living a life of true obedience is not always easy. It requires sacrifices that are sometimes difficult to undertake.
Around us, we see people sick and suffering. Some of these sicknesses are deeply rooted in unhealthful conditions and wrong habits. However, God has provided us with the basic principles of healing. An understanding of these principles as well as the proper training on how to rightly use them is essential. The rewards gained from its implementation are life-transforming!
Basic Health Principles
Obedience to health principles brings great blessings. The basic natural principles work with the efforts of the body in restoring health. Nature is the most powerful method in the restoration process.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains provide the best diet for mankind. People need to be educated in the right principles in order for things to get better and for their health to improve.
One of my favorite quotations is taken from the book Counsel on Diets and Food written by Ellen G. White. In that book she penned:
“Lord gave His word to ancient Israel, that if they would cleave strictly to Him and do all His requirements, He would keep them from all the diseases such as He had brought upon the Egyptians; but this promise was given on the condition of obedience.
Had the Israelites obeyed the instruction they received, and profited by their advantages, they would have been the world’s object lesson of health and prosperity.
The Israelites failed of fulfilling God’s purpose and thus failed of receiving the blessings that might have been theirs.
But in Joseph and Daniel, in Moses and Elijah, and many others, we have noble examples of the results of the true plan of living. Like faithfulness today will produce like results.
To us it is written: “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 (CD 26.3)
So join us as we embark upon a journey of how to improve health, and live a happy fulfilling life!