Honey! A favorite of bee lovers and sweet tooths everywhere, this syrupy natural treat provides a lot more than an extra kick of sugar. There are also wonderful health benefits of honey! That is why we are going to look at 5 health benefits of honey. But how do we get this condiment in the first place? It’s all thanks to bees.
These hard-working insects extract a sugary liquid called nectar from plants and store it in their second stomach. There the nectar mixes with enzymes that allow it to be stored for longer in the hive. The nectar is then passed from one bee to another bee by regurgitation until the nectar is placed into a honeycomb. The bees fan the honeycombs with their wings to thicken the nectar and then they seal the combs with beeswax. Since bees produce more honey than their hive needs, honey badgers, honeyguides, grizzly bears and us humans alike are able to enjoy this delight.
Deemed one of the top health foods in the world, honey is a gift of health benefits just as it is a medium of nature’s genius. It mostly contains sugar but it also has a mix of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, honey is rich in polyphenols: a group of plant compounds that can possibly boost brain health and digestion and lower the risk of heart disease. Here are five more sweet benefits of using honey:
1. Honey is rich in antioxidants
Flavonoids and phenolic acids present in high-quality honey, especially in darker varieties, act as powerful antioxidants. These compounds constitute the most important classes of polyphenols. Their antioxidant properties can prevent the accumulation of harmful oxidative compounds in your body that can cause several health conditions or diseases.
2. Honey helps in the treatment of burns and wounds
Honey is traditionally known to be a salve in many different cultures both in the past and today. It’s no wonder since honey’s antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal properties allow it to be a perfect candidate for disinfecting wounds. Honey has also been found to treat diabetes-related foot ulcers and it may be used to treat psoriasis and herpes lesions. However, in cases of serious burns and wounds, ensure that you seek medical attention.
3. Honey can act as a cough suppressant
Honey has commonly been used as a home remedy for dry cough and wet cough. It is known to be especially effective in children, reducing their coughing time without the threat of side effects that some medications pose. It is also known to be a remedy for sore throat and is usually used in combination with ginger.
Despite these benefits, never give honey to a child under 1 year of age as it can cause infant botulism.
4. Honey helps skin and hair health
Raw honey helps moisturize, unclog and nourish the skin. It is increasingly being used in face masks and other skin products today. Honey is seen to have positive effects on hair health as well; it is used for hair conditioning, stimulating hair growth, treating hair loss, and promoting good scalp health among other things.
5. Honey promotes better sleep
Honey promotes melatonin formation which induces sleep. Additionally, it aids the release of hormones that helps the body recover during sleep. Honey is sometimes consumed with warm milk or chamomile tea for an enhanced effect.
There you have it, the 5 health benefits of honey! As you can see honey is not just awesome for its sweet, sugary taste but it’s packed with so many wonderful health benefits. Make sure you always have a jar on hand!
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